Knowledge is Power
Maybe you’ve heard this phrase used to encourage parents to follow up with their children and take an active role in their education. This phrase, or idea, is also used to directly encourage children to excel in school. This is frequently seen in commercials between cartoons and children’s programs on TV.
I believe this is true, knowledge is power. I believe that reading and studying and applying yourself to expand, enlarge and reach beyond your current mindful content is great… if you use it to glorify the Lord.
I fool can learn about things and attempt to honor himself; but a wise man will learn about the things of God and live to honor Him. Anyone can read and gain understanding of subjects, objects and projects but what kind of power does that bring if it will all produce nothing but pride, arrogance and self-dependence? What is power of self in the light of the power of God? Less than a vapor!
Our increase in knowledge will lead to wisdom and discernment by reading the all-time best seller – The Bible! But I must warn you, that if you read this Book you’ll not gain an understanding of how good you are or can become, but rather how good God is and how we need to humbly come to God and His Word for everything. And, if we live surrendered lives to God, in all sincerity, we will live powerful lives.
The Apostle Paul wrote a little commercial to the Philippians at the beginning of his letter to them and in it he referred to knowledge. We’ll conclude this devotion by taking a look at what an apostle has to say about this subject and what knowledge should produce:
“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.” – Philippians 1:9-11