As I look back on my life, I can say that I've been involved in leadership roles from a very young age. I hear many times the phrase that it is "lonely at the top". Personally, I haven't really experienced that! People repeat phrases they hear without really knowing what they are saying all the time. It depends on your perspective of what the "top" is...when it comes to ministry, the "top" is really the "bottom". In fact Jesus Christ Himself said, "...whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." - Matthew 20:26-28
I believe as a leader it's your responsibility to not only envision goals, but also to assemble a team, equip them and send them out to do the work. But, it doesn't stop there...a leader must be willing to role up his sleeves and work along side them, being an active example of what he's leading them to do.
Serving as a leader involves people (you can't lead nothing), right? Keep in mind the example of the Apostle Paul in Acts 21; his "journeys" included people. Here are some phrases that support that:
Verse 1 - "...when we had departed from them and set sail..."
Verse 3 - "When we had sighted..."
Verse 4 - "...we stayed there..."
Verse 5 - "...we knelt down on the shore and prayed."
Verse 7 - "...when we had finished our voyage..."
Read Acts 21 for yourself and you'll find many more examples of the oneness that Paul experienced with his team of fellow voyagers. As a leader it is your responsibility to show that you don't isolate yourself, but rather that you exemplify that selfless characteristic that is mandated and shown by Christ of extending yourself to others sincerely and sacrificially according to Scripture and the will of God.
Is it really lonely at the top? Only if you believe yourself to be "at the top" and not a servant and slave of all!
Read: Matthew 20:24-28