There was a time in my life when communication with my parents was frustrating at best. When making noises communicated my essential needs; when laughter by itself was accepted as happiness; when a yawn was perceived as me being tired and ready for a nap; or, when a cry meant I either wanted food or was ready for a diaper change!
But, as I was introduced to language, the spoken word, I was able to express myself in a more accurate manner. My laughter may be a nervous laughter; my yawn may be that I am bored or relaxed (but not ready for a nap); and a cry could be that I am extremely joyful or sad. All these things I could now speak and let others know what exactly I was experiencing.
God said in Hebrews 1:1-2, “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these days spoken to us by His Son…”
Although my personal improvement in communication through the years could never reach perfection, God’s communication was and is perfect in the incarnate Word of God, Jesus Christ.
God said that the time when He spoke through prophets is of the past; but now, because of our High Priest, Jesus Christ, and our covering of the shed blood of the unblemished Lamb, we can enter “boldly to the throne of grace”.
People still try and say they’ve received special revelation from God when we are simply to be devoted to living the spoken Word that we may be transformed into the image of Christ and glorify God.
God has communicated clearly and perfectly in the inspired and infallible Word of God and is relevant and applicable to each one of us. (2Timothy 3:16-17; 1Thessalonians 2:13)
When the word of man does not align with the Word of God then the spirit of man is distorting or is blocking communication from the Spirit of God according to the perfect Word of God.
God has spoken perfectly through His inspired and infallible Word. May we not attempt to rely on what God says is of the past and trust wholly in the written Word!