How much of 2009 would you want to hold on to? There are some years that are stellar and we don’t want them to end. But there are other years we are eager to put behind to start another one fresh.
Personally, 2009 wasn’t a year I would want to repeat, but I do understand that God allows situations to take place for reasons that are beyond our comprehension…He is still sovereign and good. You could have had a rough year with family, finances, health or your faith. Whatever the situation is please understand that God wants the glory.
Someone once said, “Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.”
If you’ve experienced difficult situations with family – God wants you to glorify Him by how you represent Him.
If you’ve experienced difficult situations with finances – God wants you to glorify Him by how you manage any future money He entrusts you with.
If you’ve been lukewarm in your trust in God – God wants you to glorify Him by committing wholly to serving Him alone, today!
The Bible tells us to redeem the time that God gives us because the days we live in our evil (Eph. 5:16). In order to do that we need to believe that God loves us (John 3:16) and with Him our future is hopeful and bright (Jer. 29:11). We need to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” and He will provide what we need (Matt. 6:33).
My challenge to you is to remove your hand from the rung of 2009 and grasp firmly the rung of 2010. Allow God to move you forward this year in His plans that He has for you. God said that His mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:23) and He wants to continue to work in, and through you, a work that will bring Him glory!
Are you up to the challenge? Let’s resolve to live committed, with undivided hearts for Jesus and see what He can do with people that are all about Him!
May the Lord bless you richly in 2010! Happy New Year!!!
Your Brother in Christ…Sincerely,
Pastor Raul Montano