There was a time in my life that I did NOT LIKE to read school books (still don't, but will if I have to). But magazines like NatGeo, Baseball, Diving, Cycling or Motor Sports definitely grab my attention. Why? Because they cover subjects I like and want to know more about.
What I learned I passed along to others and discussed with people that were interested in the same things, and others that didn't know, but listened anyway. I can still tell you some things I learned from my reading over the years.
Keep that in mind as I apply the subject of reading to Christianity.
Christianity is not a "lifestyle" that leads to good, clean living and makes us good stewards of the community and the things we have - that's NOT what Jesus Christ came to this earth to give us!
Jesus came to restore our RELATIONSHIP with God the Father through His sacrifice on the cross.
That relationship reveals itself in how we live our lives. But HOW do you learn how to live your life to God's glory? Sunday Worship Service? Other's Examples? Thinking about God?
How do you get to know God? Answer: READING the BIBLE
Jesus said, "If you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:31-32
One more thing, the "Centerpiece" of the morning and evening Jewish prayer is the Shema, which is Deuteronomy 6:4-9. (I challenge you to read this everyday for the next week)
Moses was commanded by God to teach God's commandments and rules so that it may go well with the people. Moses said, "HEAR therefore, O Israel, and be careful to DO them..." v.3 (emphasis mine)
What are you hearing and doing? Moses isn't here to read you the Word, so how about reading and doing?
Do you like to READ? That doesn't matter and it isn't even the right question to ask - Do you love God? Do you desire to know Him?
If so, then that will reveal itself in your taking time to READ the Bible, whether you like to or not.
I pray that your dedication to reading the Bible will turn into a passionate pursuit of Knowing God personally and sharing Him with others.
"May it go well with you"!
Pastor Raul