Saturday, August 29, 2015

Ephesians 2:10 - You Matter This Much!

Ephesians 2:10 - "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

There are times in my life that I have to admit that I need a little encouragement to keep going and there is no better encouragement that can come my way than from the Lord Himself.

Maybe you're like that also and you need a little reminder of your value in God's eyes. Ephesians 2:10 not only reminds us that our lives have purpose and we are to act in accordance to that purpose, but also that there is a work that God desires to do THROUGH us, and IN us, and BEFORE us.

This is absolutely INSPIRING and AMAZING when I thought about it.

#1 - We are HIS workmanship - Jesus is the Master Craftsman, the Potter and we are His object of art, of beauty - He sees what no one else does; His vision goes beyond the block of wood or the lump of clay; He holds us in His hands for the purpose of making us into a beautiful vessel that honors and blesses Him.

#2 - We are created IN Christ FOR GOOD WORKS - There useful, specific and practical reasons for the work that Jesus is performing in our lives; it is a good reason for good works that are established by our Good Shepherd. This is a plan that He had established BEFORE we were even formed in our mother's womb.

#3 - We are a God's workmanship and are designed to live out this plan in our lives.

AND, there is one more important point to consider - God goes before us and around us and is with us to arrange everything in such a way that we are capable of fulfilling His plans in our lives; we just need to be willing - acknowledging Him, growing in our relationship with Him through reading His Word, prayer and fellowship, and being aware of our surroundings so as to respond in ways that He is glorified.

God makes sure that everything is perfectly arranged for you, so that you may walk out the plans that He has established for you to accomplish - you are loved and valued that much!

This day matters and so do you.

All to His glory - Raul