Friday, December 15, 2006

Daily Devotion - 12.15.06 - Matthew 22:37 NKJV

Where’s the Passion?

Throughout my life there are a few things that have caught my attention enough to be considered passions; ones that consumed my whole being, including my thoughts, my time and my identity.

Baseball was the one that was my greatest passion. Memories still pour in as I smell the leather of a baseball glove; feel a baseball in my hands; hear the <<< crack >>> of a baseball coming off of a bat; and, I still remember the feeling and silence as I prepared to pitch for the last out with bases loaded in the final inning to win the game! The accomplishments were fun, but the experience was even better… my involvement and my devotion to the game.

Maybe it’s been in the past or it’s in the present, but at some point in your life you’ve been passionate about something. The question is: As a Christian, are you passionate about God, Jesus, the Bible, and the Church? Does God play a central role in your life? If so, how would someone else know? How do you know?

I pray that today you think about what your passion is; what consumes your whole being, including your thoughts, your time and your identity.

Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” – Matthew 22:37

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