Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Whispers: A Devotion from Psalm 145:5 NKJV

Glory to the Creation?

Henry Ford sold his first vehicle on July 20, 1903 to a Detroit physician. He was only in business for one month when he delivered his first vehicle.

Although we all know that from this has come one of the largest vehicle manufacturers in the world, what people don’t know is the peculiar and interesting, yet weird occurrences that took place after Ford sold that first car.

Of course as we can imagine, the physician was excited with the newness of this technology and proud to be the first to own such a machine; he had “bragging rights”! He was so excited that he bought a second vehicle from Ford and made a special garage to house both cars.

One morning, the Doctor was coming out to his garage with a steaming cup of coffee in hand and was alarmed when he heard voices coming out of the garage! Immediately he thought someone was in there trying to steal his new cars, but when he opened the door slowly and quietly he was astonished at what he saw and heard!

The two cars were not only talking to each other, but one was telling the other that he was faster, made better and could fill up his own tank with gas. He said he didn’t need anyone to drive him or clean him up or even fill him with gas… he could do it all by himself!

As ridiculous and far-fetched as the twist to Ford’s history sounds, so it is when we (God’s creation, “fearfully and wonderfully made”) talk to each other as if we “do” things in our own power. Can you imagine the cars telling each other they can fix themselves too!? “I don’t need a mechanic! That’s for the weak cars!”

In essence, that’s what God sees when people talk that way and behave that way. Henry Ford was the vehicles’ creator; he knew every detail of the vehicle; and, he knew how and what needed to be fixed on the vehicle. Henry had the tools to fix the vehicles! Henry was the creator and was great to the vehicles, and the conversation the Doctor should have heard was… “I am so grateful to Henry for making me the way I am. I hope and pray that I live up to my purpose and serve those around me in a way that Henry would want me to. And if I need fixing, then I know that Henry is the only one that can take care of me.”

Today I pray that the works you meditate on are the works of our Maker, our Creator, our God…

“I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works.” – Psalm 145:5

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