Thursday, November 16, 2006

Daily Devotions - 11.16.06, Colossians 2:6, 7 NLT

Just as surely as the chick comes from the egg; an apple dropped from a height falls to the ground; and, thunder follows lightning, there is something that leads to abundant Thanksgiving. Did you know that?

The Holidays are here! Shopping, “Christmas” music, food, family gatherings, plays, carolers etc. etc. etc. I found the Webster’s Dictionary definition of a caroler, or “to carol” interesting: “A song of joy or praise; esp., a Christmas song. I found it interesting because I hear the words of the songs played over the speakers at the stores and most of them sing songs of snow, reindeer, and warm fires; songs that speak of happiness with new found love, gifts, or a puppy. But, I don’t hear the songs that are sung in church Sunday mornings; songs that raise Jesus our Lord on high.

Don’t get me wrong, I love this time of the year but I’ve found, more and more, that as a Christian, this is a special time of giving thanks to God for the wonderful and awesome Gift given to us: Jesus Christ. The rest of this year, and for eternity, let’s learn how to “overflow with thankfulness” for God’s Gift; here’s the formula:

1) Live as if Jesus is truly the Lord of your life, 2) Let the roots of your life’s foundation grow deep into God’s Word, and 3) Build on that Rock foundation each and every day by living your faith out.If we follow this simple formula, God’s Word says that our “faith will grow strong and we “will overflow with thankfulness” [to God]. We then can truly sing songs of joy and praise, a true Christmas song to Christ our Lord!

“And now, just as you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” – Colossians 2:6, 7 (also, remember that “truth” is Christ)

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