Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Daily Devotions - 11.28.06 - John 7:38 NKJV

It’s a Matter of the Heart

God allows us to be in situations that demand us to be drawn to Him, but because God gave us the mental capacity to exercise choice, we decide whether we allow ourselves to be molded and shaped into the image of His Son and used in a powerful way, or we refuse to heed the warnings of God, disbelieve His Word, His promises, and continue to build callous layers around the heart allowing the devil to deceive us, being blinded to the truth, and doing that which the Father of Lies, the Master Imitator, wants us to do.

In Chapter Eight of Exodus we see two people’s hearts going in two different directions: Pharaoh’s heart is growing weak; being choked out with callous layers of anger, bitterness, disbelief and despair. On the other hand, we see Moses’ heart growing strong, with God’s guidance, God’s promises, and in God’s divine service.

Both are subjected to God’s Word, God’s miracles, and God’s guidance, but their choice of action is worlds apart. One believes God and the other defies Him (at least makes an attempt at it).

You have breath right now… it’s a miracle and it is only by God’s power and God’s Spirit that you are breathing. You can read this… it is by God’s grace and the ability God gave you that allow you to understand the figures you see with the eyes He formed in you.

We are subjected to the “Finger of God” every day and how we approach each situation, each moment, is a Matter of the Heart… it’s the condition of our heart that determines our reception of God’s will. Is it fertile and ready to believe and receive, or is it callous and cold, rejecting everything we see?

“He who believes in Me [Jesus], as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” – John 7:38 NKJV

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