Monday, February 12, 2007

Whispers: A Devotion from 2Corinthians 13:8 NKJV

Who do you think you’re fooling?

I see a man crossing the street and at the same time I see a truck barreling down on him and all of a sudden time stops! It’s as if we’re in an Allstate commercial and the man and I are the only ones that can move and talk.

I tell him that there is a truck just beyond him and if he continues to walk across the street he will be killed but the man tells me that he doesn’t see the truck. I tell him that the truck is going to kill him if he doesn’t move and the man tells me that he doesn’t believe the truck will kill him. I explain to him momentum and how little people are no match for big steel trucks and the man tells me that he doesn’t believe in trucks and I get frustrated! I get frustrated because the truth is that no matter if he can see it, understand it or even believe it, the truck will kill him if he doesn’t decide to get out of the way and for some reason he just doesn’t get it.

You may not be in a silly predicament like the one I just described, but you do deal with the truth every single day. God has provided us with a book, The Book, the Bible that gives us absolute truth. The Bible is inerrant, complete and stands the test of time. All we can do is prove it in both folly and wisdom. Regardless of whether we believe it or not, the truth is the truth and nothing but the truth.

Remember that God’s truths are real and absolute. The Bible tells you of God’s promises and your personal outcome depends on the choices you make; curses or blessings.

When you’re in a situation that you’re trying to justify, knowing it’s not right, please understand that you may fool people, but you’ll never fool an all-knowing God. He wants more than anything to have fellowship with you and the only way God can have that fellowship with you is if you come to terms with His truth and abide in it! Quit trying to open a door that doesn’t exist… take a step to the right and open the door of truth and see that Jesus is waiting on the other side.

I pray that today you see truth as truth and surrender any foolish attempts at justifying anything that is contrary to a true God.

“For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.” – 2Corinthians 13:8

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